CKM Release 1.2.4

Date: 19.02.2014

This release adds an automatic export of all resources (archetypes, templates and termsets) that are uploaded to CKM to a Git repository.

It offers many usability improvements such as for example an easier way to merge various translations of an archetype into a new trunk archetype, easier sharing of archetypes and other resources via direct links, usability improvements to the search in the left hand tree, some big green buttons, and a simpler registration process.

Editors now have the ability to add special comments to reviewers of an archetype when creating a new review round for an archetype which will be displayed inline to the reviewers.

For templates, a new Printable view was added and templates with its sub-templates and contained archetypes can now be viewed as an Organisational Chart. Also, many details of the form view of a template have been enhanced.

This release also adds some checks around ensuring that archetypes use correct UCUM-units as specified by the specs and fixes a number of bugs

Detailed list of changes

Feature Requests

    [REP-890] - Automatic Export of archetypes to a Git repository

    [REP-1032] - If present in the the Archetype, display the new Canonical Archetype Model Digest hash next to the normal MD5 hash

    [REP-2118] - Update a branch with translation within another branch (direct, without explicit upload)

    [REP-2227] - Add status report page for resources other than archetypes

    [REP-2389] - Check validity of dv_quantity units

    [REP-2403] - Internationalise country names

    [REP-2501] - Support for CKM behind a proxy

    [REP-2508] - Require the email address in CKM to be unique

    [REP-2509] - Internationalise language names

    [REP-2510] - Add Remote archetypes to git repository as well

    [REP-2512] - Add Wiki-page as Project home

    [REP-2514] - Add Active status for members of a project / subdomain

    [REP-2515] - One step sign up + add to a project via direct link

    [REP-2516] - Disable chunking for webservice when behind a proxy

    [REP-2517] - Sticky note style for the Project description

    [REP-2518] - Expose Direct links of resources in the Share with colleague panel

    [REP-2519] - When creating a review round, closing the CKM tab or the browser tab should confirm before closing

    [REP-2524] - Special Question should have the related element name added in brackets

    [REP-2525] - Ability to define an editor comment instead of a special question as part of a review round

    [REP-2526] - Display assumed value for DV_Ordinal

    [REP-2527] - Display assumed value for DV_Proportion

    [REP-2528] - Support use_node with at code for Elements

    [REP-2529] - Trying to import an already existing resource: Should ask if it should be updated instead

    [REP-2532] - Add Printable Version of a template akin to the Archetype Printable Version

    [REP-2540] - Enable an unlimited number of Remote subdomains

    [REP-2541] - Left-hand tree search improvements

    [REP-2542] - When adding a template to a project as a reference, the user should be asked if the referenced resources should be included as well

    [REP-2543] - Template Printable View and Review should show the descriptions for Coded Text items and Ordinals

    [REP-2544] - Printable Views should show the discs for unnumbered lists <ul>

    [REP-2547] - Simplify Registration process and improve DashBoard reminders to complete the user profile

    [REP-2553] - Share with Colleague: If latest version, the link should point to the latest version

    [REP-2554] - Share with Colleague: If the Action is changed, the link in the email html should also be updated

    [REP-2556] - Remote Submit: Open new/updated archetypes on click

    [REP-2557] - Add some more big green buttons with white text for important default actions

    [REP-2561] - When accepting to join a project, the project should be opened

    [REP-2562] - Project Invitation Email: Add links to decline or accept the project invitation

    [REP-2563] - Privacy policy should either link to an external document or be configurable html in ckm directly

    [REP-2567] - Develop a toolbar button that is similar to the new big green normal button

    [REP-2578] - Translators should be added to the archetype printable view

    [REP-2579] - Add some rudimentary support for RTL languages in the printable view of a resource

    [REP-2581] - Finetuning of height and width of opt display widgets

    [REP-2582] - Add Modify review round context menu item to Active Review Rounds portlet

    [REP-2583] - Support creating of Review Rounds including special questions and invitation details without sending out any invitations

    [REP-2592] - Add Change Password to Manage Users Panel context menu

    [REP-2593] - Change cursor on mouse over over the todo completed or active icon

    [REP-2594] - Last modified by String for Tasks should be in unobstrusive font

    [REP-2602] - IE should not show unnecessary scrollbars for textareas

    [REP-2607] - Exchange some success notifications with a temporary notification

    [REP-2611] - Ability to drag and drop resources to a project as reference

    [REP-2613] - It should be easier to delete oiconfig items

    [REP-2507] - Extend archetype delete service to be pipeable

    [REP-2586] - Allow foreign characters in loginname

    [REP-2587] - Keep UTF-8 characters as UTF8 rather than html entities in e.g. discussions

    [REP-2588] - Keep newlines in logmessages etc

    [REP-2616] - A new discussion thread should spawn a task

    [REP-2616]  - 'to-translate' indicator should be removed on compile, i.e. in foreign locales that are not completed related, the english locale is used transparently

Problem Reports

    [REP-274] - If I go to view ADL and drag the Action folder it enters the OKM url into the ID or concept. Should not be able to drag folders for ADL.

    [REP-1359] - When a user is deleted, the link from the user's comments to the user's profile needs to be deactivated or a better error displayed

    [REP-1854] - Problem with wording in the invitation emails

    [REP-2042] - Adding term bindings to existing archetype, diff only shows that SNOMED is added, not the bindings

    [REP-2108] - Ability to modify special question, esp add new one, immediately after sending out review, but before anyone has completed a review

    [REP-2498] - Some Slovenian chars break GWT's capitalisation / isLetter

    [REP-2499] - New archetype emails may not be sent out

    [REP-2500] - Should not be able to change the archetype id of a remotely cached archetype

    [REP-2502] - Archetype with completely unconstrained defining_code is not rendered as html or mindmap

    [REP-2503] - When upgrading an incubator to a projects, resources may fail to be set to DRAFT status

    [REP-2505] - Bulk imported archetypes that are parsable but cannot be imported should not cause the bulk import to fail

    [REP-2521] - Special Questions should not be loaded for the normal display

    [REP-2522] - Template context menu doesn't show Reviews

    [REP-2523] - Import from Remote should not change the copyright of the archetype

    [REP-2530] - Not specially supported top-level attributes reduce column number by one in Printable view of a review

    [REP-2534] - Create Template Org Chart akin to the Project Org Chart

    [REP-2535] - Project of Resource Tab may not show

    [REP-2536] - Left hand tabs for archetypes and project may not always show

    [REP-2537] - When dbl-clicking on an Orgchart node in order to collapse/expand, the mindmap should not pop up

    [REP-2539] - Sometimes and empty tooltip is displayed in the OrgChart Panel

    [REP-2545] - User photo upload cannot deal properly with transparent png

    [REP-2546] - Uploading a photo that is too large according to server limits should have a better error message

    [REP-2548] - Temporary upload file should be deleted

    [REP-2549] - Annotations table has rounded corners for each cell

    [REP-2551] - Original template author with more than one element breaks the Template Printable View

    [REP-2552] - other_context direct annotations and visible_in_views are not displayed

    [REP-2559] - User Activity: Total number of reviewed archetypes is actually the total number of reviewed resources

    [REP-2560] - Project Invitations Portlet: No ned to have User Profile option for self

    [REP-2568] - Twittering has stopped working

    [REP-2571] - Tooltip update problem: Displayed twice

    [REP-2572] - When adapting a (non-CONTENT) review round , should also select the first review round

    [REP-2575] - Better align and more padding for Terms of Use Display in Sign up form

    [REP-2585] - Resource with an " in their main display name may cause rendering of tooltips and related rows in grids to fail

    [REP-2589] - GIT UK repository not being updated

    [REP-2590] - Copyright will be updated on archetype upload: Information icon is missing

    [REP-2591] - Project members / invitations:Firstname lastname not separated by space

    [REP-2595] - Details button for Release Set (ReleaseSetOneRevisionOverviewPanel) cannot be clicked

    [REP-2598] - For a Release Set with more than one revision, only the latest is displayed in the Revision History

    [REP-2599] - A Release Set with more than one revision cannot be deleted

    [REP-2600] - Create Release Set: Select initial or draft state is not rendered in IE 11

    [REP-2603] - Missing dictionaries should be recreated case-insensitively

    [REP-2604] - InputStream for the Termset XML needs to be closed when registering an OTS query with OTS

    [REP-2605] - Should not attempt to resize user photo if there is none (or it is invalid)

    [REP-2606] - UserNameSelectTriggerField doesn't work when called from PasswordChangePanel

    [REP-2608] - When sending emails via Project/Send Emails to... no warning for empty users appears

    [REP-2610] - Template toolbar is too small when not logged in

    [REP-2612] - Remove orphaned project and subdomain roles

Change Requests

    [REP-2506] - Report bulk import results grouped by errors, warnings and information

    [REP-2511] - remove sb, sx, sz language codes from CKM

    [REP-2513] - Change order of remote import items: Archetypes that can be updated first

    [REP-2520] - Summary view of review(s) should always display the element that a special question belongs to

    [REP-2531] - Do not display empty header elements for templates in summary view

    [REP-2533] - Summary View: Header fields should always be displayed if there is a SQ with a comment for it

    [REP-2538] - The unused space in an OrgChart where some nodes have collapsed should be reduced

    [REP-2555] - After creating a remote subdomain, open the create project panel and advise that a project is needed

    [REP-2570] - New comment tweet should use the full name of the user, not the loginname

    [REP-2573] - Should hide the Import Review Feedback button if there is no review round yet

    [REP-2576] - Add a little bit more padding around the instructions when creating/modifying a review round

    [REP-2577] - Add direct links to privacy policy, terms of use and code of conduct

    [REP-2596] - Should be able to delete a remotely cached archetype, even if it is published in the remote CKM

    [REP-2597] - Should not be able to delete an archetype if in any revision of any template it is used

    [REP-2601] - Upgrade link shortening to use OAuth access token instead of the legacy API-key

    [REP-2609] - Do not allow any archetype to be imported that has a non-supported language


    [REP-2497] - Rework/Streamline the various commit and reject services

    [REP-2504] - Upgrade to Commons lang 3.1

    [REP-2558] - Upgrade to Mediaflux 3.8.054

    [REP-2569] - Upgrade Freemind fileformat from 0.9.0 to 1.0.1

    [REP-2565] - Upgrade to Java 7 on all machines, including dev

    [REP-2566] - Upgrade to GWT 2.6 (RC4 for now)